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Cocaine Amiga diszkmagazin (1992)

2011.01.23. 14:48 _Thomas_

Prodigy's English text

Címkék: blog english cocaine

 American-english garbage textwtyped by the two and only PRODIGy !

 For those who prefer love and romance I suggest:Read the text to the end.....
   I love the english language and I felt the need to express myself using it.
 Hopefully there are many dudes out there who understand what I am saying.I am
 planning to attend the University of languages in Hungary to study the english
 language.O.K that was the reason why I am typing in englishwand now comes the
 garbage text:
   U are probably wondering what the hell garbage-text means.[ell its a huge
 text containing all sorts of motherfucker-themes and there is absolutely no 
 order in it. Just a few minutes ago I was watching FAMILy TIES wmy favourite
 comedy show on SKy One.By the way did I mentioned that I have a satellite ant-
 ennae} No } listen than carefully: its BIG ! and endubitably GOOD !
 (Im pretty sure you dont know what endubitably meanswso get the dictionary !).
 Before you read further:Get the dictionary ! NO[ !! No more excuses ! I can 
 watch over 25 channels from ASTRA but my personal favourites are: 1.Sky One w
 MTV w TCC and RTL (Playboy late night ! Oh godwthe babes are incredible ! you
 can hardly talk yourself out from a good speed off ! Just kidding.I just kid-
 ding that I was just kidding.And I mean that.Okwno more dirty stuff (The worst
 is yet to be).Important !!! :Did you get the fucking dictionary }}} 
 Ok.[here was I } Ohwyes how childishly stupid of me.I was just telling you 
 about Family Ties on SKy One.By the way did I mentioned my satellite stuff }
 Oh so I Ties is really an incredible comedy series ! Someti-
 mes Im almost dying from laughwwatching it.Melory is beautiful but stupidw
 Alex is extremly clever and he is the funnyest character on the whole show.
 Jennifer is fat and not so beautiful but she has a nice personality.Anyway the
 series is damn good.I watch it every weekday at 20.30 CET (Central European
 Time).M T V is also a cool channel! Party Zone with Simone !She is a major 
 babe ! Not to mention Christiane Backer ... Right now Im listening to Power FM
 Its a RADIO channnel on the Satellite.[ait a bloody moment ! Oh my god there
 is some serious SNO[BOARDING on EUROSPORT ! Sorry but I will take a little
 breakwI must watch it because its very similar to SKATEBOARDING and Im a SKATE
 fanatic.......watching EUROSPORT.............................................
  Ok.Im back.It was good indeed ! Lets continue the garbage-text now:
 (I switched to SKy ONE and Im listening to STAR TREKwits 5 minutes after mid-
 BEFORE...nicely said.
  Today Im in a romantic mood and I must say many things about nice girls.
 Not that I have any.(except AMIGA).I was so busy with playing gameswdrawing
 picturesw... that I almost forget about GIRLS.(they have a look that we need).
 After I saw the greatest movie on the face of the earth:STRANGE LIASIONS I 
 lost my mind.I fell in deep love with Michelle Pfeifer.She is incredible in
 the movie.Now I know why I was born:to see the BEAUTy of her.My life now has 
 some meaning.I can die happy because I have SEEN  H E R ! There are many pret-
 tyer girls than she iswbut Manwyou must see the movie first ! I went complete-
 ly mad about Michelle....Michelle...beautiful Michelle.I could love her like
 nobody else.She is too beautiful to be fucked !(how rude!).
  Life is are getting old.Enjoy the life as much as you can before
 its too late.No regrets afterwards.
  I just want to see America ! I want to talk to some californian girls ! 
 I want to have a super hifi (AKAIwTECHNICSw...).[hy cant I have one.[hy was I
 born in this FUCKING country of all } [e are just [ASTING OUR LIVES here.[e
 may never know how great life can be... Its sadwman ! MotherfuckerwBloodyw
 Shit-eatingwScumsucking country !!! [e have no future here....
  Life.[hat is life} [hy are we living and than just die...
 Remember:there is just one life.Use it visely.
 My dear god.I have just tuned to the Adult Channel.There is some good action
 there.Girlswbabesw...I have to tape this to Technix !One girl just said and
 I ^_uote:  " Dont just stand therewFuck Me " No comment on this.
 Abraka-dabra OPEN SEZAME...I mean a take it eazy !
 (Its exactly 1:19-but never too late for a speed off-if you know what I mean)
 By the way many thanks to Technix:for sharing with me your personal stuffwbe-
 cause now Im getting better(Its getting better) day by day.Otherwise I dont
 know where I would end up.I dont have the courage to go trough- it- like you 
 did but maybe Im doing the wrong thing.
 Ok.I have to sleep now.Tomorrow is a new daywa new begining.[e cant know 
 what the future has for uswwe can only hope that it will be positive.
 ..........falling asleep..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..1....sleeping like a baby...
 ................dreming about Michelle........................................
 ........dreaming about a sexual relationship with a gorgeous girl.............
 ...boywshe got a beautiful ass.................extasy.........................
 [aking up at the wild side....10:15...[hat the fuck was I writing yesterday
 night }!} Now Im shamed of it...But what the hellwFREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A RIGHT
 OF EVERy MAN (Mr.Ed).Im Ravingwyou see Im raving 
                       All night long wit cant go wrong.
                        A sample from a new generation 
                         slave to the ravewwhat a sensation
                          mental about this songwshe dont give a damn
                           goes on and on....O ne ne....(L.A.Style)
 That was a part of  L.A.styles MEGAHIT.A Fantastic soundtrack...Probably my
 second favourite number right now.The first is..I dont really know because
 Im hasitating between The DOMINATOR(Rave-O-Lution) and the SANCTUARy-93 Remix
 from The Cult. 
 IMAGINE that you can drink Coca Cola and Pepsi every day.As much as you want.
 Imagine you can eat MarswBountywMilky [ay chocolate bars every day.
 Imagine that you can buy NikewReebokwBK shoes every month.
 In many countries this is reality.Its not a miracle.[hy the hell were we born
 in THIS fucking country }}} [hen I think about the good things [e are all
 missing I can almost cry...
 Here is a simple day in america: Lets put some Cd in the player.I have time 
 to fix myself a breakfast but by 10 I have to be at the beach to check out
 the babes and to do some surfing.[ait a minutewI have a better idea:On the 
 the way to Venice-beach I will stop by at McDonalds for some hamburgers.Ok 
 lets go.My dad took the convertible so I have to go with the cabriolet.
 At Mcdonalds:Give two double cheesburgerswa hamburger and the big coke.
 After breakfast I decided to stop by at the Tecno-Paradise shop to check out
 the new stuff.Oh babywthey just recieved the newest Cd from L.A.Style.I have
 to buy it man! At the beach:I ride the wawes for two hours and later I met 
 some friends.[e checked out the babes at the beach.Girls everywhere !!This is
 a paradise on earth.[e could see everything through the swimsuits.Unbelivably
 pretty brestswperfect just dont know where to look.My friends
 told me about some techno-party at the beach-club so I definetly must be the-
 re later at the evening.I went back home and grabbed something for lunch.
 I went up to my room and turned on the hifi but the bloody Technics amplifier
 broke down.It was old anyway.I bought it a whole year ago.I must visit the
 Hi-Fi market and buy some decent machine.At the market:I like the Pioneer
 1000 [ amplifier but it would be better to buy the Nakamichi.And so I did.
 I went back home to see how it works.My parents run out from the house at half
 music power.How nice...indeed.Cool! 
 It was a beautiful summer day (like every day) so I decided to visit the nea-
 rest skatepark.On the way to the park some jerk called me a jerk but I beat 
 him up instantly.(Beware! Im dangerous).Skateboarding is a very exciting sport
 Once you start itwyou cant leave it that easily.I was skating nearly 3 hours
 but suddenly I remembered about the techno-party.Shit! I dont have any  cool
 outfits  for the party.I must buy some techno-clothes now!!! 
   This story is boring...Lets type something else... 
 At this very moment I should be typing line 210 but the assholes heve turned
 off the electricity and I lost the text.Now I have to write evrything again.
 Double shit ! This is going to be a gigantic text as you will see...
 I must write again about love and romance because I saw again the movie of my
 life:Strange Liasions.I was deeply moved again and I felt the need to write 
 down my thoughts.The movie tells the ultimate love story...Its brilliant!
 Those were the times in the 19th century.Love was a different thing back than.
 ...Its not that I want to have youwonly to deserve you...(_oute)...
 The whole story of the film is geniouswthe end is sad...After I watched itwmy
 first toughts were:Is it worth living} Can I ever experience that kind of love
 and romance...Can I ever have a woman like Madam De Torvel...Can I say nice
 things to her...No! And thats the ugly part of life.Nowadays love is on a dif-
 ferent meet a girlwyou go togother to some partieswdiscowmovie.Kiss
 each otherwfuck like crazywget marriedwhave kids and DIE...No man! I cant live
 like that.I want to know the ultimate: the meaning of life.Maybe its obvious 
 but we are so blindwwe cant see it.It has to be more to life than just living
 and die...It has to be...  The fire in her eyeswkeeps me alive  ....
 Its hard to livewknowing that we will all die somedays...But the nice things
 in life keeps you going forward...[hen you think there is no hopewsomething
 happens and everything is ok again...
 Imagine that you find the girl of your life:you are happywyou are living togo-
 therweverything is ok. An than you suddenly realize (the reality hits you)...
 the nice girl you married is getting oldwyou are getting oldwthe love is fa-
 ding... Beauty is not everlasting...Love is...  
 ... your happiness is far more important for me than my own.... 
 Is everything just another hurting experience } In the endless time...
 There is no beginningwno end. Only eternity and the endless galaxy...Dont tryw
 thinking about the origin of egzistancewits deeper than you imagine...Its be-
 yond our understanding...
 ...One should constantly try to improve himself...If we strive for the positi-
 ve only good will come forth.All we have is timewso be vise with it....
 To my imagionary love:
                        I Saw Her One Day w All I Can Do Is Suffer
                        She Is [orth To Die w Im Too [eak To Try.... (Prodigy)   
 X Now try to forget that you are reading only a simple text....
 Clear your mind and imagine...
 Put on some relaxing megaslow music (like the tune at the end of Dune...)!!
 Listen to the softwnot so loud music and read very slowly ... escape with the love of your life on an unhabited island.Far from any
 civilization...Far from anybody... you watch together the sunset on the blue 
 .......... the sound of the crystal clear ocean around youw makes you realize
 that you will always love her........ As the sun slowly dissapears behind the
 horizon you make love to her..... passionatly........... No fearwno regrets...
 Her beauty outshines the light of billions of stars above you... you feel her
 worm and true love and at that very moment you understand the purpose of life.
 Suddely you begin to cry...But from cry because deep inside
 you know that our shortwlittle lives actually have a meaning...At the same
 moment you ralize that beuty is not everlasting and you feel sad..............
 ...Sad and happy at the same time.. because sadness is an essential componet 
 of happyness...........Looking straight in her eyes you can see the reflection 
 of the  campfire know you could give your own life for her...She takes
 your hands and Together you slowly and _uietly walk into the ocean never to be
 separeted again..... 
 Something about good music:there are times when you are in the mood to listen 
 some loud-party music.To dancewto forget all the troubleswto enjoy living....
 At times like this I usually (always) listen Techno.There are times when I
 feel mad about something...than I listen Thrash-Death tunes.And there are ti-
 mes alsowwhen I feel sad or Im in love...Beautiful-slow is the perfect type of
 music to listen than.....
 I heard many beautiful mellodies but above all I would like to mention:
  Nikita from Elton John... 
  Nikita you will never knowwanything about my home
   I never know how good it feels to hold you (Oh no)
    Nikita I need you so... 
 and the music at the end of Dune...
 Musics can give me incredible feelings...its an extasy for the ears.....
 I close my eyes and I escape from realitywenjoying the beautiful sound....
 If you are still reading I must give you should probably know by
 now that I must be totally crazy to write down these stuff.I only hope that
 at least for a moment you recognized yourself in some parts of the text and
 I also hope that you will not laugh at me only just because I was shamelessly
 onest.As I sad earlier i HAD to write all this down to organize my toughtsw
 to make it easier on myself...  
 And to youwwho found some meaning in my text I wish only the best and Im 
 looking forward to your own written-down thoughts.And I promise I will not
 laugh because my dear friendwbelieve me I have been there..................
                                                 (the sensitive)  Prodigy.           
 If the women of my dreams leave mewMy words before the suicide would be (and
 who knows maybe will be...):
   My life has no meaning any more ....but wIm glad I dont have to live 
   without  y o u ....

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